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Rabu, 1 April 2009

Its Aprillass ;D

wow I cant actually believe that its the month of Aprill sudah..which means a lot of things :
1) exam for June AS is coming so soon.. (about 1and a half month)
2) its April-fools day.. ok Im not going to celebrate it..haha kna mock qu krgg ee asteeh
3) Im getting older ... HAHAHAAH ;D

hmmm then apa ohh? Oh yeahh i wanna say

"happy birthday to my kwan, c-elah014"

Im not really sure laa brapa dh umurnya time nie...but but everlasting dreams wishes for you darlxx. I just hope all the bad things that happened between us two and the bad things that people done to you, lupakan sajaa.. jgn d bwa msalah tu kmana2.. ain't cool kata c-jimm. hahaa
oh then not to forget your birthday wishes. Lastly, Enjoy ur very day darlxx ;D