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Ahad, 15 Februari 2009

Fuhhh ~ I miss this guy so much ! huby u make me worried gila brabish ahh.. na tau napa sharian anie ea na blas my msg nor my mc .. I dn noe why.. maybe ea sibuk lang *try to be positive* i admit that i dn always spent my time with him.. mcm after bleq skulah kdg2 so tired smpai krja rumah n skulah pun na buat .. and I just go straight to tidur .. Tpi i try hard udah supaya every minute im free i want to spent it with him..mcm mc him during my ps and msg him how is he doing..I admit it aqu risau gila kali ah.. even one day nada msg tu pun pyah qa bgi qu.. yeahh I noe im the type yg snang rendu .. huhu hbyshyg forgive me that I didnt layan hby tpi *sigh* Im tired wahh.. bnar pulg ea pham that im busy with my school and ea pengertian jwa jenisnya mcm he will ask when aqu ada test .. he will ask me to concentrate dlu pat pelajaran and he will leave me with my revision dlu .. he wants the best for me and ea pham that aqu pun sibuk jwa which make me love him more and more..every attitude of him make me love him so badly huhu. I Love my hbyshyg sho much ! and now Im so damn risau and sad laa sal ea na reply my msg nor my mc aa .. huhu risaunyee ~
Ahad 1pm go to ICC ;D

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009
Anie bh kamu2 cuba kamu liat video ah. maneng sayaa haha is it the same kid kh??? pndai bnar jwa ya tuu memulas2 bdannya yg damit ah ksna ksniee harharhar ;p ok bh enjoyy ~ ;D
Morning Valentines day surprise !

These two picture I took it tyme moning 14th february. 7 in the morning (valentines day). as we know in valentine aniee...roses are everywhere ryte? yeaa sumkind mcm imagery of a growing love-like ahhahah pakan yg qu ckapkn aniee eyy asteee.. yeah back to the story, sunrise tyme morning atu mcm len skit dri sblum sblum nya. mcm the shape of a rose wah which amaze me and my friends so I took these two pictures for you guys to see. enjoy ;D
This is Hizami Fidai'y, The one I love~ I miss him so much ryte now.. huhu *sigh* My baby, I Love you so much. sooo the question? apa ceta nie between kami dua arr?
He is a friend of mine. we have been bestfriend for 3 years.. If im not mistaken at that time i was only in Form2. From form2( Year 2005) til the end of my lower 6th form ( year 2008), we're just bestfriends, actually I have the feeling for him since awal2 udah then2 ntah cna arr ea pun sma jwa hehehe *ktawa noty* Then2 on the 31st december 2008, during ptg kh malam tuu saya ngak pasti, ea propose. wahhhh rsa bebunga2 wah hati arr hahaha. then2 i just accept laa psal i hae known him for a longggg time and i know him cna udah wah and also I Love him too so The answer is YES ! hehe ~ tapi kn tapi kn... start cha wah kami bnyak dugaan arr, ada2 sja la happen..tyme kami btpun,ada yg abis kad laa ada yg b8ry abis then tetutup tpun laa~ lau chatting jwa, ada sjalah kjadiannya ~ hahaha tpi kn tpi kn im so happy to say that im so proud of him ;D he's such a nice guy to everyone.ea nie peymbhyg, loving and cute ;p ea bek laa na suka mrah2 and care brabish type nya ~ and most important of all ea nie sngat2 laa hormatkn binie2, meaning that ea inda sukati sukati nya kn branie nyentuh urg waa ;D ohh jammys hehe saya sayang awak 0:) xoxo *kisses and hugs
Ahad, 1 Februari 2009
Baru2an in Blog? Manadhaa...
So soalan for today? Am I a new-bies in Blogger? Sad to say I am not.. wahhaha guess what? Aqu sblum niee brapa kali dh qu membuat blog arr..tpi tpi nya kian..aqu either lupa da paswurd or da blog adrss ahahaa well sory lhaa keyh "My bad" (-.-") weww.. ahaha f urg knal aqu,tau pulg durg dh tuu yg aqu nie ndang panat2x.. na jaa guys? baz? niez? rashh? ahahaa xp well anie pun na qu tau nieehh ok qah nda blog qu yang aniee nie..manatau lhaa kn walhal one day lupa cha qu juwa..canatah tuu? harhar manis eyhhh .. canie lhaa aa.. bet sja aqu lupa or inda..betawakal sjaa..berserah jaa ;D f dh jadi fate ku this blog, ok laa tu f nda gudbyee blog ); ahahaa panat ;p