wow I cant actually believe that its the month of Aprill sudah..which means a lot of things :
1) exam for June AS is coming so soon.. (about 1and a half month)
2) its April-fools day.. ok Im not going to celebrate it..haha kna mock qu krgg ee asteeh
3) Im getting older ... HAHAHAAH ;D
hmmm then apa ohh? Oh yeahh i wanna say
"happy birthday to my kwan, c-elah014"
Im not really sure laa brapa dh umurnya time nie...but but everlasting dreams wishes for you darlxx. I just hope all the bad things that happened between us two and the bad things that people done to you, lupakan sajaa.. jgn d bwa msalah tu kmana2.. ain't cool kata c-jimm. hahaa
oh then not to forget your birthday wishes. Lastly, Enjoy ur very day darlxx ;D
Promise to be with each other,

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Rabu, 1 April 2009
Its Aprillass ;D
Ahad, 29 Mac 2009
cuztomize ;D by me and my super big sister SHIEILA <33 lops youu sistaaa
okk... I noee batah dh inda update..cozi dnt feel like kn update juwa wahh .. hehe for now i dn wanna blog in english coz mcm menaleh .. T.T haha .. so ... i noe btah inda usai2 this blog tekarihh wa bnartaah *sigh hehehx .. and i know my blog is PINK !! OMGod... i know ryte " sjak bilaaaaaa...." tantu kana tagur nie HAHAHHAA ;p mana ya c-pink ahh sory la ehs saya take ur fav colour as my super duper background kaler untk blog saya HAHAHA well my bad lang tuu ;p hehehe nada qu tekarihh wa kan meliat other layout aa yatah antams sja thaa ;D
and in my new-updated blog ( layout sgala gala ... ) nothing interesting and nothing much :) I just u guys enjoy reading this :) with da features yg kana usai2 sgala gala nie ;D
well, last but not least THANKS TO MY KAKA SHEL,
I love youuuu so much KAKA MEE ~~ becauseee [scroll down to see]
coz I love u leee.. hahaa no komenn ;D and the others I love u guys tooo SO DAMN MUCH ;D
Selasa, 17 Mac 2009
sorrry for my late-ness .. [my bad] *kirai2
Sorry that I havent update this blog for,I believe so long.. hehh well..its no komen leee hehh..whatever the reason is .. SO WHAT?? hehehh.. well its been a while..i have many things going on around my head right now..the thing is.. I dont know where to start... ;D *kirai2 hehehh.. ermmm its been long since I havent gone wild.. I mean begila with my frienziess.. somehow,I mish my friends in and Tushy plans to go there somewhen before the holiday..u know..just dropping by..lepak-ing and maybe checking out the BE's there...manatau ada yg hotties *kirai2 hahaha just joke..kana salai qu krg leh jammys ehh.. btw my Bestiess who-ever u are, I MISH YOU GUYS DAMN A LOT !
and msa hari tuu..I dn rmember what day it is for I dnt want to rmember it in the first place..i was having a very terrible super duper out-of-control bad-not-good stupid day EVER ! hehehh chill ja *kirai2.. well on that particular day..i dn noe why..I got so pissed off waa.. I dnt mean harm here..relaxx *kirai2 .. well its because of my math ;D I thought i love math..hehh guess what..I do but but..entahh ahh aqu inda suka some parts arah math atu leerr.. on that very particular part of math again..I failed ;D failed with the best DAMN score ever ;D hahahh I only got 10% ;D imagine..everybody found that the paper were damn easy,but me? how can I got that marks.. I noe im terrible..from that marks, it show clearly something right? That Im a fool ! hehehh I cant deny it..I noe im a fool but SO WHAT? i am what i am.. im a fool or a bitch its up to me..u cant do anything about that. so what do u think about that? that you cant do anything about that? hehh.. poor thing ;D well I got pissed off that day sal my teacher mrah2.. but now Im going to proved to her that she's damn wrong.. u think that I dnt deserve to be in that class? I'll show you Im more than what you have seen.. remember this theory " there seems to be more than meets the eye ". I'll show you that theory is DAMN RIGHT ! hohohoo ~ menalehh qu ehh.. well im going to work hard..harder I think.. wish me damn lucks ;D
Ahad, 15 Februari 2009

Fuhhh ~ I miss this guy so much ! huby u make me worried gila brabish ahh.. na tau napa sharian anie ea na blas my msg nor my mc .. I dn noe why.. maybe ea sibuk lang *try to be positive* i admit that i dn always spent my time with him.. mcm after bleq skulah kdg2 so tired smpai krja rumah n skulah pun na buat .. and I just go straight to tidur .. Tpi i try hard udah supaya every minute im free i want to spent it with him..mcm mc him during my ps and msg him how is he doing..I admit it aqu risau gila kali ah.. even one day nada msg tu pun pyah qa bgi qu.. yeahh I noe im the type yg snang rendu .. huhu hbyshyg forgive me that I didnt layan hby tpi *sigh* Im tired wahh.. bnar pulg ea pham that im busy with my school and ea pengertian jwa jenisnya mcm he will ask when aqu ada test .. he will ask me to concentrate dlu pat pelajaran and he will leave me with my revision dlu .. he wants the best for me and ea pham that aqu pun sibuk jwa which make me love him more and more..every attitude of him make me love him so badly huhu. I Love my hbyshyg sho much ! and now Im so damn risau and sad laa sal ea na reply my msg nor my mc aa .. huhu risaunyee ~
Ahad 1pm go to ICC ;D